Lòn na Nollaige

Christmas Lunch

Lòn na Nollaige
Christmas Lunch
Fàilte gu Cafaidh Blasta
Welcome to Café Blasta
Madainn mhath
Good morning
Feasgar math
Good afternoon
Beannachd leibh
Nollaig Chridheil
Merry Christmas
Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ùr 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Tha mi ag iarraidh … ,
I would like to have … ,
Mas è do thoil e
Gun robh math agad
Thank you
Airson toiseachadh 
Brot an latha le aran
Soup of the day with petit pain 
Mousse trufail agus adha tunnag le sailead measgaichte agus bonnach-coirce
Duck liver and truffle mousse with mixed salad and oat cakes.
Balgan-buachair agus ola trufail arancini le salaid (bhiogan)
Mushroom and truffle oil arancini with salad (v)
Cearc-Fhrangach rosta
Roast turkey and stuffing, pigs in blankets 
Uan rosta
Roast lamb
Tart Butternut squash agus uinnean caramelised ann am pasgan biatais (Bhiogan) 
Vegan butternut squash and caramelised onion tart in beetroot pastry (v)
Uile le buntàta agus glasraich ràithiel
All with seasonal vegetables and potatoes
Deor trufail meant le seoclaid Beilgeach
Belgian chocolate and truffle mint teardrop
Meireang subh-chraoibhe 
Raspberry meringue tartlet
Ceic-caise seoclaid geal le measan paisean (Bhiogan)
White chocolate cheesecake with passionfruit (v) 
Paidh mincemeat le ti no cofaidh
Mince pie with tea or coffee
Dè a’ phrìs a th’ ann?
How much is it?
2 chursa £25 (Còig notaichean fichead)
2 courses £25
3 cursaichean £27.50 (Fichead seachd not leth-cheud)
3 courses £27.50
Nollaig Chridheil agus Bliadhna Mhath Ùr bho Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Islay Gaelic Centre (ICCI)!
Lòn na Nollaige aig Cafaidh Blasta - Christmas Lunch Menu
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