Fàilte gu Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle

Welcome to the Islay Gaelic Centre


Is e ar n-amas a bhith mar Ionad Cànain, Cultair is Dualchais na Gàidhlig ann an Earra-Ghàidheal stèidhichte gu seasmhach ann an Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle.

Mission Statement

Our aim is to be Argyll’s Gaelic Language and Cultural Heritage Centre with our hub firmly based in the Centre on Islay.


Tha Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle na h-Ionad Gàidhig agus dualchas ann am Bogha Mòr, Ìle. San Ionad tha farsaingeachd shlighean ann trom faod sibh a dhol an sàs ann an cànan is cultar nan Gàidheal, agus clasaichean, cùrsaichean agus tachartasan gan cumail fad na bliadhna.

’S e goireas coimhearsnachd air leth math a th’ anns an Ionad cuideachd, le seòmraichean rim fastadh, seòmar airson co-labhairtean bhidio, leabharlann Gàidhlig, goireasan coinneimh is craolaidh, seòmar dualchais agus raon taisbeanaidh agus iad uile gu buannachd agus toil-inntinn nan uile.


Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle is a Gaelic and Heritage Centre in Bowmore on the island of Islay. The Centre is an open door for you to engage with Gaelic language and culture through a progressive year-round range of classes, courses and activities.

Ionad Chaluim Chille Ìle has much to offer as a community venue, with a variety of rooms for hire, a videoconference suite, Gaelic library, meeting and broadcasting facilities, heritage room and exhibition space for the benefit and enjoyment of all.


Cafaidh Blasta Islay coffee
Cafaidh Blasta is based in the Centre, offering hot drinks, home-baking and a lunch menu concentrating on simple, fresh food.


Islay Gaelic Centre Shop Screenshot
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